Monday, November 17, 2014

Remaining Thankful When Facing Unpredictable Circumstances

In the course of just a few days my life turned upside down and went kerplunk. A planned birthday vacation to Maui, and an unforseen illness of family members just landed in my lap like a bag of marbles and each one rolling in a different direction. It reminded of a game I used to play as a child called kerplunk where the object consisted of pulling out straws from a cylinder where marbles lay on top of them. One had to be careful and avoid having too many marbles fall at once- what are the odds you may ask yourself? With each new round your turn comes and and you pull a straw to be thankful only a few marbles drop.....or many fall and kerplunk!! it almost takes your breath away just hearing the sound. That edge we live on day to day, moment by moment can be similar to pulling straws and watching the marbles fall. How we react to the outcome or unforeseen events, the uncertainty of the moment cannot be predicted. For myself there was a feeling of standing on solid footing and the bottom fell out. That so familiar ground, the daily routine that is broken abruptly, staring one in the face. What to do, what words to utter, what thoughts to mind, what feelings to feel. Sometimes the answers do not come. Being still living in the moment is all one can do. The answers are not important at the time, living the moment to let things unfold is all one can do. Giving thanks all will be okay and having faith throughout is all I could find within my core being. During these days leading to Thanksgiving I give thanks, be it silent or out loud I am thankful for even the tiniest of things because we all have moments of kerplunk. Giving our daily thanks, some may overlook for times gets busy, unforeseen moments happen, and it is not only in joyous times thanks be given. I am reminded during the recent days that recently past, and the days to come, to give thanks and receive thanks with sincerity and an open heart. Enjoy this season of thanks and perhaps each new day you'll find yourself giving thanks as part of your daily routine.

"Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation"
Brian Tracy

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