Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Birding in the Bay Area and Backyard Birding From Afar

Birding has become a new hobby at my home, and while it's been awesome making note of all the different species, finding places to bird watch has now become a weekend must! Here are pictures of the birds we tracked so far. ................................................................................................................................ And then there was the sandhill crane migration in Lodi ............................................................................................................................... Meadowlark, many ducks, hawks, and herons ................................................................................................................................ great blue heron in Bodega Bay, quail and snowy egrets ................................................................................................................................ more great blue herons and cormorants nesting and an osprey in the east bay regional park ................................................................................................................................ And the finale was a backyard visitor; a hoary redpoll, picture taken by Libby's dad all the way north in Alaska!


Libby said...

Oh - now I really want to return to Cosumnes River park! Have you been to MLK Jr. park yet?

Teri said...

You've been having so much fun! I hope we can bird together soon.