This year summer left so quickly it felt as if it never arrived in the Bay Area. Now the autumn equinox has arrived along with a beautiful harvest moon, and 80 degree weather! I ended the summer with my only A's game for the season, and fortunately they won.
It was one very cold summer and tomatoes from the garden took a hit. They say there's always next year, I'll have to go along with that, tomatoes being tomatoes! A mammoth sunflower graced the plot this year - I had been planting them year after year and they never came. This year they just made a surprise visit, the best kind! It also made for happy bees. The bird house gourds never made it, and then we had a pumpkin thief who made away with several coveted pumpkins from surrounding plots. One thing for sure, the hardy celeste figs sure tasted good, and replanting them at the garden was the best idea yet.
Beautiful sunflower! Yeah, this was not a good year for gardening in Alameda! Let's hope next year is better. I'm going to plant some peas this fall so I have some produce from the garden during the winter.
"A very beautiful story."
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